Exit Fees: A Burden for SJP Clients

By Published On: 19 May 2024
sjp exit fee

Exit fees imposed by St. James’s Place have been a major issue for many clients trying to withdraw their investments. Although SJP has announced the removal of these fees for new clients starting in 2025, current clients are still affected.

These fees can be financially burdensome and may entitle you to compensation under new regulatory guidelines.

There were huge changed made to how Financial Advisers made money over 10 years which meant investment and pension advisers had to move to a fee-based model as opposed to a commission model that they had worked on previously.

However, SJP side-stepped these issues by applying redemptions fees to some of their investments which allowed them to pay their advisers up front!

The good news is that these exit fees can be contested and we’re more than happy to help you.

Struggling with exit fees? Request a callback, start a claim online, or call us at 0161 808 0142 to find out how we can help.

If you know anybody who’s financial adviser has:

  • Transferred their pensions
  • Charged High Fees
  • Provided poor service
  • Invested their money poorly resulting in losses
Then we want to hear from them as we may be able to get them the compensation of redress they deserve.
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Written by : HTLEGAL

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