We’re here, always willing and eager to help.
Claim My Loss is a trading style of HT Legal Ltd. HT Legal Ltd is registered in England and Wales.
Registered number; 06911903, Registered office; Clarendon Chambers, 5a Market Place, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 2LX.
Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority; SRA ID 535317.
ICO registration number; Z2387380.
You do not need to use Solicitors or a Claims Management Company to make a complaint to your lender or other Compensation Scheme, such as the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You can refer your complaint to the financial ombudsman or FSCS yourself free of charge.
*The signup and setup of your case will be actioned based on the information you have provided. HT Legal Ltd cannot accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damages due to the provision of inaccurate information. During the course of your complaint, we may need to contact you via telephone, email, SMS or any other electronic means.