Claim Type: Final Salary/Defined Benefit Transfer Claims.

Do you want help investigating a claim involving Electricity Pensions Trustee Ltd.?

Are you concerned that you may have lost money in a transaction where Electricity Pensions Trustee Ltd. were involved and want to find out if or how you can make a claim?
Claims can be complex, our experts will investigate all the circumstances surrounding your dealings with Electricity Pensions Trustee Ltd. to establish, what has happened, who is at fault and how much compensation or financial redress you could be due.

Electricity Pensions Trustee Ltd.

Electricity Pensions Trustee Limited oversees the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS), one of the largest industry-wide pension funds in the UK, catering primarily to employees within the electricity sector. The ESPS operates under a defined benefit framework, providing pension benefits based on members’ salaries and length of service. Established as part of the privatization and restructuring of the British electricity industry in the 1990s, the scheme serves a diverse group of companies ranging from power generation to electrical distribution. The trustee company is responsible for the governance and administration of the pension fund, ensuring it is managed in the best interests of both the members and the participating employers. This involves strategic asset allocation, managing liabilities, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements to secure the financial futures of its many members.

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Want to find out if you are eligible to claim due to mis-sold pensions and investments, financial mis-selling or mis-sold car finance and business energy? Get in touch with Claim My Loss now to get started!

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