The collapse of Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) happened in 2019 with thousands of investors suffering significant losses as a result.

Investors may be entitled to compensation in respect to the losses that came about after Neil Woodford (Fund Manager) was suspended from his role in June 2019. Shortly after this, the company was wound-up. As a result of these developments, investors were prevented from being able to withdraw any of their funds, which resulted in billions of pounds being lost.

Investors will not only be entitled to claim against any and all loses they personally experienced as a direct result of WEIF collapsing, but also for the loss of opportunity suffered as a result of missing out on other investments that may have yielded higher returns.

Hargreaves Lansdown Platform

Anyone who invested in WEIF either directly through the Hargreaves Lansdown platform or via Hargreaves Lansdown Multi Manager Fund is also entitled to compensation. Similarly, those investors that put money into the company via the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) Link Fund Solution may also be entitled to claim compensation.

Contact Us Today

For anyone who believes that they have a valid claim against WEIF and are entitled to compensation, regardless of the amount, and want to know more, then contact us today.

There is no cost or financial risk in pursuing legal action against WEIF. Your legal costs will be paid on your behalf and should your claim not be
successful, any legal costs incurred will be covered and will not be payable by you.


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