High Fees at St. James’s Place: Are you due money back from SJP?

By Published On: 17 May 2024

Many clients of St. James’s Place have paid high and often hidden fees for their investment products.

With the FCA’s new regulations, these fee structures are now being scrutinised, potentially entitling clients to refunds. SJP has already announced reductions in their annual fees and the future removal of exit fees for new clients, but existing clients could still seek compensation for past overcharges.

They have also put a reported 430 million pounds aside for redress to their clients who have been affected.

Don’t miss out!

If you are currently a client or have been a client of SJP. Request a callback, start a claim online, or call us at 0161 808 0142 to explore your options

Just a reminder that all financial advisers are government by the same rules. If you have a financial adviser or have had a financial adviser and are unhappy with the service you received, we offer a free review below. Multi-Step Form

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Approximately which year did you take out your product?

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How many times have you met with your financial adviser since taking the product?

Step 4 of 6

Has your adviser recently asked you if your circumstances have changed? (e.g., moved house, retired, etc.)

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Has your adviser recently asked about your views on investment and appetite for risk?

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